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Can Europe still prevent Great Replacement?

Can Europe still prevent Great Replacement?

par | 18 mai 2019 | Europe, Politique

Can Europe still prevent Great Replacement?

Jean-Yves Le Gallou was invited to give a speech at the American Renaissance conference which took place in Nashville (TN) on the 18th of May 2019. You will find below the text of his speech. The French translation is available here.

The indigenous population of Europe remained stable for 5000 years

1) The peopling of Europe goes back 5000 years and the population remains largely unchanged until the middle of the Twentieth Century. 5000 years ago: this is when the original European people spread out: by leaving the Pontic steppe, to travel towards the East and Siberia, towards the South, Persia and India, and especially towards the West.

The men and women of the corded ware culture gradually came to occupy Western Europe. It was a largely uninhabited land, with the exception of a small number of Neolithic hunter-gatherers with which the conquering Indo-Europeans mixed.

This is the ethnic foundation of the European people.

This is also the origin of their civilization. All their languages – Slavic, Germanic, Celtic, and Romance – their vocabulary and their syntax, derive from a common origin. Here wise their cosmogony and their society’s hierarchical structure. The view of their sovereignty (magic-religious), their defense (external and internal), their production and reproduction also share a common origin. This civilization’s conception of the world was founded on representation and incarnation, as well as respect due to women.

2) To protect this space, the Europeans had to fight against the external world. There was the struggle between the East and West. For example the victory of the Greek freedoms against the Persian Empire. There was the victory of Roman reason against Carthage. Later, the victory of the Romans and their barbarian allies against the Hunnish hordes arriving from Asia. For fourteen centuries, Christendom and Islam fought one another through the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula, the Crusades, and the struggle against the Ottomans.

3) But these unending conflicts did not change the nature of the European population. What we call the Barbarian Invasions– from the fourth to the ninth centuries – did indeed reinforce the Germanic and Nordic presence in southern and central Europe, but without fundamentally changing Europe’s nature. The population remained European. The Golden Horde left its mark on Russia, but the Mongols did not have any impact on Western Europe. The Arab invasions only very slightly modified the populations of the Mediterranean coastlines. Traces of Sub-Saharan genes which are their genetic markers are practically absent from Europe, except on certain southern coasts of Spain, Sicily, or Calabria.

4) In short, Europe’s population remained exclusively European until 1960. From then on everything changed. The Europeans withdrew from Africa and the Indo-Pakistani world but the African and Muslim worlds began to migrate towards Europe.

The former colonial powers were the first affected: France, Great Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands, followed by Germany and the countries of northern Europe, Scandinavia and Ireland. We can see the outline of an invaded Europe. Here are the causes.

Invaded Europe: Western and northern Europe

5) Immigration is being pushed by powerful economic and ideological forces. Big business has always supported immigration in which they see an effective way of putting downward pressure on wages. For their part, many immigrants hope to live better in European countries than back home: by finding jobs and/or accessing generous welfare systems.

These economic logics are being served by the reigning ideology, founded on human rights. Every individual, wherever he comes from and whatever his nationality, is supposed to have the same rights. Every man, regardless of his origins – national, ethnic, cultural, religious, or civilizational – is supposed to be “replaceable.”

French writer, Renaud Camus, calls this remplacisme global, “global replacism.”

“Global Replacism” makes up the foundations of invaded Europe’s orthodoxy, imposed by media propaganda and the tyranny of judges known as “the rule of law.” All this is taking place on a background of repentance and guilt-mongering, because of Europeans’ martial, colonial, and slave-holding past!

All those – whether politicians or journalists – who have opposed this have been demonized.

The consequences are terrifying.

6) Northern and western Europe are being invaded by mass immigration coming from Africa and the Arab-Islamic world. In France more than 20% of the population is no longer European by origin or civilization. Worse, 38% of newborns are tested for sickle-cell disease, a test reserved for newborns whose two parents, if known, are not of European origin. The figure even reaches 70% in Paris and its surrounding area. You heard right: 70% in Paris and its surrounding area!

In Great Britain, 9% of the population was born in a non-European country (a figure which does not take into account second- or third-generation immigration). According to the think-tank Migration Watch, the British population will increase by 10 million over the next 25 years because of incoming migrants and their descendants. Since 2016, Sadik Khan, the mayor of London, is a Muslim with close ties to fundamentalists. Pakistani gangs have begun a reign of terror in northwest England. Northwest England is where Enoch Powell raised the alarm in a famous speech given in Birmingham on April 20, 1968. This prophetic speech ruined the career of the most brilliant conservative politician of his generation.

In 2015, Germany welcomed 1.5 million immigrants. Two years earlier, Thilo Sarrazin, the former social-democratic finance minister for Berlin and retired member of the Bundesbank, published an explosive book: Germany Abolishes Itself.

Thilo Sarrazin observed that since 1960 the births of what we call de souche Germans – that is to say ethnic or indigenous Germans – had decreased by 70%. At the same time, the number of immigrants has constantly increased. Among the under 20s, one third of Germany’s inhabitants are of foreign origin.

A comparable situation exists in Belgium and the Netherlands. For example, the indigenous European population has become a minority in Europe’s two biggest ports, Antwerp and Rotterdam.

Scandinavia has also been affected: whereas there were practically no immigrants in Sweden 30 years ago, today 25% of the population hails from the non-European world.

The “Great Replacement”, coined by the French writer Renaud Camus, is underway in all of northern and western Europe.

Countries threatened by invasion: the countries of the Mediterranean and the Balkans

7) With the exception of France, the countries of the Mediterranean coast – Greece, Italy, Spain – were long spared immigration for three reasons:

  • They remained countries of emigration with abundant manpower.
  • They had powerful and rather closed familial and clannish structures.
  • They had Welfare states less attractive to foreigners than those of northern countries.

8) But migratory pressure suddenly worsened from 2005 onwards.

The wars caused by the West in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya have sparked mass emigration. And have destroyed states which protected their borders. Europe was under attack: from Turkey through Greece and the Balkans, then from Libya and Morocco to Italy and Spain.

These attacks coincided with a rise in awareness in Italy and Spain. In Italy, the Northern League is flying from electoral triumph to electoral triumph since its leader, Matteo Salvini, has, as interior minister, cracked down on immigration. In Spain, the national and identitarian party VOX has emerged ex nihilo. It opened its campaign for the European elections, later this month, in Covadonga, where the Muslim invaders were stopped in 722.

9) In the Balkans, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia, are also threatened by migratory invasion, less as host countries than as transit countries. There is the risk that some of the immigration populations will remain in there.

Countries resisting the invasion: Eastern Europe

10) In 2015, the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, took a historic decision: to block the border with Serbia to put an end to the migratory invasion. This decision shocked the major European leaders. And yet, he was only applying the Schengen agreements: that is eliminating internal border controls between European countries but requiring every country to control its external borders.

Orbán has united the countries of central Europe in the Visegrád group –the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary – around this tough policy opposing migratory invasion.

It is there, as in the former East Germany, that one finds a preserved Europe.

11) There are many reasons for this.

Until 1989/1990, these countries were in the Soviet communist bloc. Consequently there was a phenomenon of an economic and moral “freeze.”

An economic “freeze” slowed development; even today lower salaries mean big business has less reason to call for low-cost immigrant labor.

A moral “freeze”, reliant on the traditional structures of church and family, escaped the grip of the communist State. This at the same time protected them from individualist capitalism and the harmful effects of liberal-libertarian society.

All this has enabled the maintenance of historical and cultural memory: a memory marked by the battle of Vienna of 1683 and two centuries of struggle against the Turkish invasion.

Another phenomenon must be taken into account: the eastern elites are mentally different from those of the West.

In the West, political and administrative elites have been “deculturized” and devastated by moral relativism and political correctness. Only those politicians who are bland and lacking in conviction can build a political career.

In the East the political elite remain those selected at the fall of communism: men and women who have experienced adversity, even prison. And who have the courage of their convictions.

12) There is thus then a great ideological and political battle taking place within Europe between the governing elite of the East and of the West. And between the oligarchs of the East and the West and the people.

The future of Europe will depend on the outcome of this battle: There are two possible outcomes: European Europe or a submerged Europe.

What future for Europe: European or submerged?

13) Here are the causes for worry: the simple extrapolation of fertility rates graphs leads us to fear that between 2025 and 2040 more than half of births in “invaded Europe” (that is northern and western Europe) will no longer be of European origin.

That’s the demographic situation, but the political situation is just as worrying.

The politicians who stood up against immigration were either assassinated, like the Dutchman Pym Fortuyn, or demonized as was the Briton, Enoch Powell, the Frenchman, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the Austrian, Jörg Haider, or, in our own time, the Italian Matteo Salvini, and the Hungarian Viktor Orbán.

Demonization is a major debilitating technique for 3 reasons:

– it makes it impossible to describe the migratory invasion in its entire magnitude;

– it isolates those who are subjected to it, limiting or even forbidding their access to the media;

– and lastly it makes political decision making slow or even impossible.

Many identitarian political parties have been demonized and have suffered from the establishment of a cordon sanitaire excluding them from government, as is the case of the Front National in France, the Vlaams Belang in Belgium, the AfD in Germany, and the Sweden Democrats. The mainstream parties in Sweden have agreed in principle to exclude the Sweden Democrats from government until … 2025.

And where these national and identitarian parties have participated or supported the government –as in Finland, Denmark and Austria – their results in policy making have been much too modest.

Currently the entire cultural, media and judicial system is supporting the ethnic and civilizational “Great Replacement”.

This is worrying. Very worrying.

14) And yet, there are reasons for optimism.

There are now national and identitarian parties in all of the 27 nations of the European Union except Ireland and Portugal.

These parties are making electoral gains everywhere. When I served in the European Parliament, there were thirteen of us, eleven Frenchmen and two Flams. In the next European assembly, there will probably be 200 to 240 representatives opposing immigration.

This is admittedly not enough to form a majority in an assembly of over 700 members, but it is enough to change the balance of power or even establish a blocking minority.

And there is at least one statesman in Europe who has a complete understanding of the stakes: Viktor Orbán of Hungary, whose political line is clear: the defense of European and Christian identity.

“History is the domain of the unexpected”: The conditions for a radical reversal

So what will be the outcome? Can Europe still remain European?

The cold analysis of the facts does not lead one to be optimistic.

A threefold race against time is underway!

– It is a race between the decline in European fertility rates and high African and Arab-Muslim fertility rates, including those immigrants already present in Europe.

– It is a race between the potentially inexorable nature of the demographic differential between the populations and the Europeans’ rising awareness of the situation.

– It is also a race between the increased anger of European populists and the ideological normalization of urban elite, including in the East.

However this cold analysis must not make us forget that “history is the domain of the unexpected,” as the writer Dominique Venner said. An unexpected development could enable a reversal, indeed a radical reversal, against the reigning ideology in three ways.

N*1: By asserting the importance of the rights of people to their identity and leaving far behind the individual rights of man.

N*2: By doing away with guilt felt about the Second World War, colonialization, or slavery

N*3: Such a reversal could help Europeans take pride in their history again, making possible the remigration and the reconquest of their land.

The European Awakening

To conclude my speech, I wish to quote Dominique Venner again. The quote is taken from a book he wrote two years before his sacrificial act at Notre Dame cathedral, in Paris, entitled The Shock of History

“everything suggests to me [that the Europeans] will be forced in the future to confront enormous challenges and deadly catastrophes, and not only those posed by immigration. In these ordeals, they will have the opportunity to be reborn and to find themselves again. I believe in the Europeans’ unique qualities, which are temporarily in hibernation. I believe in their active individuality, in their inventiveness, and in the awakening of their energy. This awakening will come. When? I do not know. But of this awakening, I have no doubt.”

Jean-Yves Le Gallou

Former member of the European Parliament. President of Polemia. Co-Founder of ILIADE Institute. Author of Immigration la catastrophe, que faire ? and Européen d’abord, essai sur la préférence de civilisation.

Jean-Yves Le Gallou

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